Welcome to one of the newest,
excellent hotels in Kecskemét,

where we welcome our dear guests with friendly staff and spotless cleanliness.

With direct access to the Kecskemét Spa, delicious breakfast and optional half board, we ensure our guests rest, relaxation and refreshment.

The rooms have comfortable, 90*200 cm boxspring beds and mattresses of selectable hardness for our guests’ comfort.

Our hotel is located in the immediate vicinity of the Kecskemét Spa, about 1.5 km from the city center. The nearest restaurants, shopping centers, gyms, and sports facilities are just a few steps or a few minutes’ walk away. Our luckier guests can even admire the deer grazing by the lake in the quiet park of the nearby Benkó Zoltán Leisure Center from the balconies of their rooms.

We offer special discounts several times a year, and we inform subscribers about them in our newsletter. In addition, look for our “Páros Aqua Felltoledés” and ” Business package” offers, where we offer extra services to our guests.

We hope that you will like our hotel and that we will soon be among our guests in person we welcome you!

We look forward to your reservation!

Welcome to one of the newest,
excellent hotels in Kecskemét,

where we welcome our dear guests with friendly staff and spotless cleanliness.

With direct access to the Kecskemét Spa, delicious breakfast and half board, we ensure our guests rest, relaxation and refreshment.

The rooms have comfortable, 90*200 cm boxspring beds and mattresses of selectable hardness for our guests’ comfort.

Our hotel is located in the immediate vicinity of the Kecskemét Spa, about 1.5 km from the city center. The nearest restaurants, shopping centers, gyms, and sports facilities are just a few steps or a few minutes’ walk away. Our luckier guests can even admire the deer grazing by the lake in the quiet park of the nearby Benko Zoltán Leisure Center from the balconies of their rooms.

We offer special discounts several times a year, and we inform subscribers about them in our newsletter. In addition, look for our “Páros Aqua Felltoledés” and ” Business package” offers, where we offer extra services to our guests.

We hope that you will like our hotel and that we will soon be among our guests in person we welcome you!

We look forward to your reservation!


41 rooms




Sports Facilities


6000, Kecskemét, Csabay Géza krt. 5/B.

Reception: recepcio@aquahotelkecskemet.hu
Group booking: group@aquahotelkecskemet.hu

Reception: +3676/575-355

Reception: +3630/355-3462

Kecskemét, Hotel, hotel, accommodation | Aquahotelkecskemet.hu

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